Bundle Users please be aware that flight pricing is a Bundle Directory Program in order to allow extra savings where available. It also allows Bundle Users’ to easily combine a flight with their resort selection from our Global Resort Connections or a cruise from YYZ. You may also book a flight in combination with a Hot Stop, Hot Deals and More Hot Deals resort selection.
Flight prices change by the minute and Bundle Users receive the best price available at the time of ticketing or booking.
*Flight prices are subject to change without notice. Prices fluctuate for several reasons, some of which are: volume needed by the airline, seat cancellations and seat sales. You may easily find that once you have reserved or booked a flight with our Travel Centre that the same flight pricing has been reduced at a later time in the day. Cachet Partners Group or YYZ is not a wholesaler, consolidator nor an airline. Cachet Partners Group does not/nor cannot manipulate pricing provided by these same wholesalers, consolidators and airlines.
You may be quoted a price with our Travel Centre and found prices after business hours that have been reduced. It may be reduced due to a flight cancellation, seat sale etc. Cachet Partners Group or its travel alliances are not responsible or liable if a Bundle User chooses to book a flight without consulting our Travel Centre beforehand and allowing us to verify and confirm a Bundle Price.
Bundle Users are advised that if they wish to think about a price provided through our Travel Centre and let our Travel Centre know at a later time in the day or the following day etc., then that price may also rise.
Consolidators, wholesalers or airlines reduce or raise pricing without notice and are not obligated to let any travel agency or service provider know when this occurs. Cachet Partners Group and its travel alliances are not responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of any wholesaler, consolidator, airline or any advertised or unauthorized pricing.
*Packages are subject to the same price changes as flights. Please be aware that last minute specials are provided with pricing previously discounted.
*Bundle Users please be aware that the prices you see through the YYZ booking engine in the Travel Centre do not necessarily reflect Bundle Pricing. The booking engine is provided solely for Bundle Users to get an idea of destinations and general pricing. Please contact the Travel Centre: customerservice@cachetpartnersgroup.ca and/or 905 856 7000 to confirm Bundle Pricing.
*Cachet Partners Group strives to its very best for all Bundle Users. Please rebundle that it is also each Bundle Users responsibility to use Cachet Partners Group services to the fullest. If you allow our Travel Centre to do its job, you will not be disappointed. We do offer the best rates available at the time of booking.